
From APW and Beyond
APW Celebrates 2023 Award Winners

APW Celebrates 2023 Award Winners

Arkansas Press Women announced the winners of its annual Communications Contest during an awards luncheon Saturday, May 20, 2023, on the campus of the NorthWest Arkansas Community College in Bentonville. Work produced in a variety of communications fields during 2022...

Mia Waddell Receives ’23 APW Scholarship

Mia Waddell Receives ’23 APW Scholarship

Arkansas Press Women has selected Mia Waddell, a senior at the University of Central Arkansas, as the recipient of its 2023 scholarship.  Waddell will receive a $1,000 scholarship and a membership to the 74-year-old statewide professional communication organization...

Arkansas Press Women Honors UCA Instructor David Keith

Arkansas Press Women Honors UCA Instructor David Keith

Arkansas Press Women members recently honored a former scholarship recipient and ace reporter who has transformed into a top-notch educator teaching the next generation of journalists at the University of Central Arkansas. APW President Kristin Netterstrom Higgins...

Reconnect, Recharge at Fall APW Mini-Conference

Reconnect, Recharge at Fall APW Mini-Conference

APW, an organization for professional and student communicators, will host a fall conference featuring student journalists and a political expert discussing the mid-terms at a gathering Nov. 12 on the University of Central Arkansas campus. A panel discussion featuring...

Benefits of APW Membership and Leadership

Benefits of APW Membership and Leadership

For Mary Hightower, being president of Arkansas Press Women underscored the importance of learning the needs of her members. “Being a leader in APW gave me a greater perspective on what it means to be a member,” said Hightower, who served as president from 2009 to...

APW History: Skirts in the Front Office

APW History: Skirts in the Front Office

Note: Historian Wendy Plotkin has been combing the archives of Arkansas Press Women to dig into the history of some of Arkansas Press Women's early members and digitize some of their efforts. The following is an article about Charlotte Tillar Schexnayder, using the...