Arkansas Press Women will host a professional development conference in Jonesboro on Oct. 26, and we would like we would to invite you to join us.
The day’s events will include:
• a panel discussion by Dr. Sam Combs, Lindsay Penn, and Dr. Bill Smith on personal branding
• a talk by Dr. Lillie M. Fears about women and minorities in media and
• a luncheon talk by Dr. Ruth Hawkins about her book, “Unbelievable Happiness and Final Sorrow: The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Marriage.”
Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., and the program starts at 9. The luncheon should conclude at approximately 1 p.m.
The morning’s programs will be in the College of Media and Communication at Arkansas State University, and the luncheon will be in Reng Student Center.
Cost is $15 (which includes lunch), and payment may be made at registration on Oct. 26. To register, contact Carol Langston at by Monday, Oct. 21. Registration is $15 per person, which includes lunch. Free parking is available in the parking deck adjacent to the student center.
Following the luncheon, those interested will carpool to Piggott for a tour of the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum.
We do not have a conference hotel, but if you need lodging for the night of Oct. 25, Hilton Garden Inn and Holiday Inn Express both have rooms available. The contact information is as follows: Holiday Inn Express, 2407 Phillips Drive, 1-870-932-5554, and Hilton Garden Inn, 2840 S. Caraway Road, 1-870-931-7723.