High school contest forms now available

High school contest forms now available

Attention high school journalism teachers and students – contest deadlines are right around the corner. The postmark deadline for the 2015 high school contest is March 3, 2015 and contest fees are still only $3 per entry. Did you know that your first place...

Je Suis Charlie

In an effort to show U.S. solidarity for those journalists killed in the deadly terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris, media organizations, including NFPW, have joined together, deploring this act and others that target freedom of expression. As part of the...
2015 Communications Contest

2015 Communications Contest

What were your best pieces of 2014? Start digging them out in anticipation of the 2015 APW Communications contest. More details to come, but keep in mind the Feb. 2 deadline for books and the Feb. 9 deadline for everything else.