South Carolina is hosting the 2014 NFPW conference on Sept. 2-4.

If you haven’t registered already, here’s a quick link to our South Carolina affiliate:


Media Women of South Carolina has planned an outstanding collection of professional development workshops, seminars and training forums led by top professionals and experts in their fields to help you

  • Develop Your Digital Impact
  • Create Innovative Communications
  • Modernize Your Professional Profile.

One featured workshop is a live webinar presented by The Poynter Institute, “Live from St. Petersburg, FL!”Another, the unique Media Marketplace session, will bring participants face-to-face with 30 South Carolina experts from destinations like Greenville and Charleston (and everywhere in between) plus attractions, hotels, golf courses and restaurants to learn more about story opportunities that exist in the state. Also, a limited-seating special workshop entitled “The Business of Writing” is offered for freelance writers and emerging authors who wish to bring a business mindset to their craft.

And of course, with MWSC as our hosts, you can expect Carolina hospitality, good food, good friendship, and an array of sightseeing opportunities. The Greenville Marriott is our conference hotel, packed with amenities. With the many pre-conference tours of the Carolina Upcountry and the post-conference tour of the Carolina Lowcountry, you will truly have the opportunity to savor the South Carolina experience from the mountains to the sea.