Thanks to all our members who contributed and participated to our APW Big Weekend events. Our Friday night tribute to Carol Griffee went very well. And even if Carol is not walking among us, she was still very much alive in the stories told by the more than two dozen family, friends and colleagues who attended. It was heartening to see members of APA and SPJ join the event.
Among those telling out-of-school tales were Jim Guy Tucker, Randall Mathis, Max Brantley, Rex Nelson, Dave Kern and a host of others, including a row that appeared to be an Arkansas Week reunion. Mike Beebe, Dustin McDaniel and Steve Barnes sent us their recollections on DVD. Brenda Blagg is to be commended for explaining the strong relationships between APW and Carol.
A special thanks goes to Dave Kern, for pushing this along, and to Kristin Netterstrom and Emily Roberts who lent a big hand at critical points.
Our Saturday general meeting was outstanding. Our four student presenters offered compelling research. We will post the abstracts of their papers on our blog.
Sadly, the gathering was one of our smallest ever. But on a positive note, a new membership level was approved that we hope will help boost our numbers. You can click on the minutes in the post below for more information.
You can see images from the event by clicking on the bar to the lower right.
We’ll include more details about both events in our next newsletter.