A few more details about the 2014 APW/NFPW Communications contest. Please note that Arkansas is one of the states that will be running an electronic contest. We’re all learning how this goes, but this will be the future of the contest. There will be additional information on how to do the electronic entries in the coming week or so. If you have any questions, email Mary Hightower at mary.hightower@gmail.com.
What’s eligible:
- Entries must have been published or broadcast between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2013.
- This year’s contest fees are $10 for the first entry and $5 for each entry after that for the state contest. If your entry wins a category and you wish that entry to go into the national contest, the fee is an additional $20 per entry. Associate members must be full members to be included in the national contest.
- As you’re pulling entries, be sure to take a look at this year’s categories: http://www.nfpw.org/pdf/2014NFPWContestCategories.pdf