We hope those four simple words will help keep you motivated as a professional and to keep us motivated as a professional development group.
Join us in June to celebrate our accomplishments and to get revved up for what this organization can still do.
This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, June 16, at the Witt Stephens Nature Center in downtown Little Rock. We’re still getting our full program together, but count on hearing from our Best Brains paper presenters and an uplifting lunch presentation.
Please save the date! We want to see you there. Thanks to Kristin Netterstrom for arranging our meeting location, lunch and for persuading her husband, Dusty, to create art for our event.
Our Program
9 a.m.-10 a.m. APW Board meeting
10 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Best Brains Colloquium
11:45-Noon Break Noon-1 p.m. Lunch and Keynote by author and former APW and NFPW President Charlotte Schexnayder
1 p.m.- 3 p.m.
Scholarship and Awards presentatiion
Special thanks to: Debbie Milller, for shepherding our annual contest
Kristin Netterstroms, for securing the venue and catering
Dusty Higgins, for creating our program cover art
Judy Howard, for producing our awards certificates
Karen Segrave for herphotography
Dr. Dale Zacher for organizing the Best Brains colloquium
and to Charlotte Schexnayder, for continuing to inspire APW members