
From APW and Beyond

Multimedia news summed in 2 minutes

 From Ted: If the fairytale of the "Three Little Pigs" was to take place today, how would a 24-hour press cycle and social media change the story? Discover a new twist on an old tale as today's media dissects the supposed innocence of the...

How non-convergence is helping one newspaper

Hollywood loves stories about newspapers, so they should go for this one. A Harvard professor lectures on how whole industries have found it impossible to reinvent themselves in the face of technological revolution. He tells newspaper groups they will have to change...

2013 APW Comms Contest winners!

2013 APW Comms Contest winners!

1A – News story, print based newspaper • 1st place - Going Up, Tammy Keith, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette • Keith takes an ordinary story on building permits and makes it interesting by noting that tiny Greenbrier has issued as many new residential permits as Conway. A...

Drones used for news coverage

Drones used for news coverage

KBIA and the Missouri Journalism project have experimented with drones to collect video in rural areas. According to Local Media Insider, the experiment shows: - Which beats benefit immediately from drone coverage - Compliance with FAA regulations - Tested equipment...

Battle between social media giants

Instagram video: Facebook aims to cut back Twitter's Vine Instagram launched a video-sharing tool on Thursday, in a move that will place the Facebook-owned company in direct competition with Vine, the Twitter-backed video app. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom made the...

Is being paid for news coverage ethical?

Is being paid for news coverage ethical?

This spring, readers of The Orange County Register in Southern California started seeing much more coverage of local universities. What they probably did not know is that the stories are paid for by the schools. Depending on whom you ask, it is either a...



Congrats to our new president, Debbie Miller! She and the rest of the new APW board were elected on Saturday, June 15, at the annual summer meeting. This year's meeting was held at Hendrix College. More details may be found on our Facebook site:...

AP: DOJ broke rules in phone records seizure

AP: DOJ broke rules in phone records seizure

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department violated its own rules when it secretly seized records for thousands of phone calls to and from journalists for The Associated Press as part of a leak investigation, the head of the company said Wednesday. AP President and CEO...

2013 Summer Awards Luncheon

2013 Summer Awards Luncheon

Dearest APW members, apologies for the short notice on the details, but here they are. The luncheon is Saturday, June 15, at the Student Life and Technology Center on the campus of Hendrix College. Registration is $20 and includes lunch. Please bring your check, made...

FOI reminder & RSVP info

FOI reminder & RSVP info

Attending Friday's FOI panel? Please RSVP by Wednesday to: Please RSVP By Wednesday, March 13 to Sarah Morris:, (870) 673-8533 or (870) 926-7127. The details: The Arkansas Pro Chapter of the SPJ, the Arkansas Press Women, and the...