COMING SOON: 2011 APW Communications Contest

The  one event that our members are most eager for each year — the APW Communications Contest –and details such as deadlines are coming soon. Really they are. However, for those who want to start gathering your entries, here are the: 12-29 2011 General...

APW critical issues update

At the Nov. 13 professional development meeting at Hendrix, there were a few critical items on the table that needed discussion by the board and the membership at large. We didn’t have enough attendance to take action. However some suggestions arose. Associate...

Time for renewal

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL — A reminder that memberships are based on a calendar year and are coming up for renewal. NFPW dues are as follows: Professional, $74; Student, $20; and retired, $25. State dues are: Professional $15; Student, $5 and retired, $7.50. Though...

Overdue kudos

Long overdue congratulations go to Malea Hargett and Emily Roberts of  Arkansas Catholic for their outstanding performance at the National Federation of Press Women competition. Hargett earned first place for best non-daily newspaper edited by entrant. Hargett also...