From APW and BeyondAPW Awards Presentation Set for May 8 in Little Rock
Join us for a small in-person gathering on May 8 in Little Rock to celebrate winners of this year's Arkansas Press Women Communications Competition. We are excited for this opportunity to see our friends in person and will be requiring face masks to be worn to...
2021 NFPW Conference Moves Online
The 2021 National Federation of Press Women conference may have moved online but Arkansas Press Women members are still excited to host the virtual conference June 10-12, 2021 after many months of planning. We invite you to join us in learning about Arkansas and...
APW Invites Future Journalists To Apply For Scholarship
Maudine Sanders continues to give back to Arkansas journalists a decade after her death through the annual Arkansas Press Women scholarship. APW is now accepting applications for its 2021 scholarship open to students majoring in journalism or communications at an...
February Webinar Focuses On Field Reporting
RSVP now for Arkansas Press Women's first webinar of the year. Bill Allen, an Assistant Professor Emeritus of Science Journalism at the University of Missouri-Columbia, will join us at 12 p.m., Feb. 19, to talk about field reporting. This webinar will NOT...
Remembering Charlotte Tillar Schexnayder
Politics fascinated Charlotte Tillar Schexnayder her entire life. Writing in her memoir, Salty Old Editor, Schexnayder remembered her grandfather buying a radio to listen to presidential candidate Al Smith’s campaign speech. The written word also fascinated her. A 7th...
Obituary Category Added to Arkansas Press Women Communication Contest
A well-written obituary take courage and empath. A strong ability to listen to grieving family and friends. Or at least that's what people who don't routinely write obituaries think it takes. As Pulitzer Prize reporter Jim Sheeler wrote in his book "Obit," -...
Fall Webinar Focuses on COVID-19 Public Data Project
Join us at 11:30 a.m., Nov. 18 for our fall webinar. Misty Orpin will talk about why she started the Arkansas COVID website and Twitter page to inform the public about the spread of coronavirus in the state. The website and social media page...
2021 APW Communications Contest Opens
Arkansas communicators can enter a diverse array of work in the 2021 Arkansas Press Women Contest. Get a head start: The contest year includes work completed between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. Contact Contest Chair Helen Plotkin with any questions. Win...
Arkansas High School Students Win NFPW Journalism Awards
Fourteen Arkansas High School students are being honored for their outstanding communications efforts in the National Federation of Press Women High School Communications Contest. Nearly 2,000 students participated in this year’s contest sponsored by the National...
Data Journalism Student Receives APW Scholarship
For Release - May 23, 2020 Katie Beth Nichols Arkansas Press Women announced the recipient of its annual Maudine Sanders Education Fund Scholarship today, continuing a tradition of supporting the next generation of communicators. Katie Beth Nichols of Fayetteville...