
From APW and Beyond

Claudia Ahrens

Please keep fellow member Claudia Ahrens in your thoughts and prayers as she recovers from surgery and pneumonia. Please check your email for information on where you can call or send cards!    



Congrats to member Jeannie Stone  for having a piece accepted into the Delta Exhibition at the Arkansas Arts Center on her first try! Anyone who has made the art circuit knows how difficult a feat that is.  Jeannie is below with her triptych titled...


If you ever wondered why editors always wanted one last look at that page before it went to press, see below. This comes from's 50 funniest headlines of 2010. If you go there, please note the sometimes (im)mature content.  

Membership Renew for 2011

Members, I've received a few questions about renewing your membership. Here (I hope) are a few answers: Your membership fee is the sum of the national fee, plus your state fee. The national membership is $74 for professionals, $20 for students and $25 for retirees....

Debbie Miller is front page news!

Debbie Miller is front page news!

If you hadn't seen the latest issue of the NFPW newsletter ... you really should!                       Check out the rest of the story:  

COMING SOON: 2011 APW Communications Contest

The  one event that our members are most eager for each year -- the APW Communications Contest --and details such as deadlines are coming soon. Really they are. However, for those who want to start gathering your entries, here are the: 12-29 2011 General Rules....

PR specialist a rising job in 2011

Employment of public-relations specialists is expected to increase by more than 66,000 jobs, or 24 percent, between 2008 and 2018, according to the Labor Department....