I’d like to thank our host, Helen Plotkin, and our presenters at the 2010 Fall Professional Development meeting, “Winds of Career Change.”
Hendrix College has beautiful meeting facilities and I hope we have the opportunity to host a larger meeting there.
For those who missed the meeting, our presenters are making their notes available online.
Kelli Reep, of Flywrite Communications, talked about her experience of being in business for herself in Surviving as a Solo Practitioner
Helen Plotkin offered a look at Making the Change from Journalism to Academia.
Debbie Miller has made electronic versions of her handouts available: 11-14 Online Tools, 11-14 Social media.
Mary Hightower’s presentation on PR agency life is available at: http://prezi.com/-pnrghlv7s7e/agency-life/.
Later this week, we’ll include other information from the meeting.