Research, citizen journalism, awards mark 2010 summer meeting

LITTLE ROCK – Fresh mass communications research and one man’s journey into citizen journalism are among the highlights of the 2010 Arkansas Press Women annual summer meeting set for June 5.

The meeting will be held at the state headquarters of the Cooperative Extension Service, 2301 S. University Ave., Little Rock, between Hogman’s Hog Pen and the University of Arkansas-Little Rock campus.

Registration for lunch and the full day program is $20 per person in advance by Friday, May 28, or $22 at the door. There is no fee for attending the morning-only research presentation program. You may register by dropping me an email at, or calling me at 501-671-2126. If you register in advance, you can pay at the door. Please make checks payable to Arkansas Press Women.

This year, we’ve got an innovative professional development component: a colloquium of five brief presentations of research on mass communication topics. Subjects include Daisy Bates and the Arkansas State Press, the effectiveness of podcasts in educational outreach, and some insight into what the 18-24 crowd thinks of older adults on social networking sites.

Thanks go to Dr. Dale Zacher of the Journalism Department at UALR for organizing the colloquium and selecting the papers.

Our lunch speaker, Scott Miller of North Little Rock, will talk about his three years as the citizen journalist behind the online Argenta News.

Here’s a rundown of the program:

9 a.m. – Board meeting

9:45 a.m. – Registration begins

10 a.m. – Research presentations

11:30 a.m. – Seating begins for lunch

Noon – Lunch and speaker Scott Miller

1 p.m. – Annual communications awards/Communicator of Achievement recognition.

We hope to see you in Little Rock on June 5. If you have questions, please contact Mary Hightower at or 501-671-2126