LITTLE ROCK – Twenty years ago next Tuesday, what would become the final edition of the “Arkansas Gazette” hit the streets, marking end of the two-newspaper era in Little Rock.
How has journalism in Little Rock changed since then? That’s the question at the core of “Post-War Little Rock,” a blog meant to collect essays and other comments about the news landscape since Oct. 18, 1991.
The blog,, is presented by Arkansas Press Women.
Contributors are invited to submit essays of 500 words or less, art or other forms of expression in answer to the single question: “How has journalism in Little Rock changed since the newspaper war ended in 1991?”
This effort is an extension of APW’s educational mission, and I hope, a chance for folks to reflect on the last 20 years and perhaps even offer some insights into the future of journalism in Little Rock.
Please email submissions to
Here’s the news release: 1014PostWar.